Copia de The Lovely Club
Unlock a world of benefits with our special loyalty program. Get rewards points for being our lovely customer.
Step 1: Create an account and get 100 points.
Step 2: Earn points every time you shop.
Step 3: Redeem points for exclusive discounts.
Sign Up and earn 200 poins
Place an order and get 1 point for enery $1 spent
Follow our Instagram and earn 100 points.
Follow us on Tik Tok and earn 100 points.
Like our Facebook Page and earn 100 points.
Like our Facebook Page and earn 100 points. Redeem your earned points is super easy. Simply apply your points code for a discount at checkout.
1000 points equals $10.00 |
$20 off for 2000 points |
$15 off for 1500 points |
$20 off for 2000 points |